I woke up from that long strange dream
And my slumber was not as real as it seemed
There was an Agent of hatred in the nightmare
There was an Agent of hatred in the nightmare
who held hands with the Queen of Passion
Together chaos and conflict ripped the very soul
Of a being that was being devoured whole
With the screams and agony of the cursed being
rang the unsung songs of love haunting
Is it a sin to love and not be loved the being cried
But in the end even the whimpers of agony died
And the beasts of malice and vice stood laughing
As the being drenched in blood lay writhing
There was a fleeting moment of seeing a face
Someone I had not seen for many days
Searched I did - calling out loud
for the face I had once loved
Instead I heard increasing jeer and laughter
My body jerked as my heart beat faster
't was then I woke up from the strange long dream
't was then I woke up from the strange long dream
And my slumber was not as real as it seemed
I looked into the mirror and saw the poor being
I shook myself to disbelieve what I was seeing
Slowly the lips parted in a smile for ‘it was just a dream’
But the smile had forever left the eyes
In them instead reflected the secrets of my past
The love, the devotion and the madness
As I looked deeper into my eyes I gasped
for from deep within smiled the once loved face again
But now it was like someone I had seen never before
It was just a ghost from the days that had worn
But then why the dream, the long strange dream? I mused
It struck me then...that I should have known!
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