Monday, September 17, 2007

The Walk

Together we had walked once,
Holding hands on the road of life...
Now I walk alone,
As I watch your lonely walk ahead...

Isolation stares at me,
Urging me to find solace in her.
But she also walks with you
From the moment you left me behind.

And then I stopped walking,
And stood alone,
Watching the fading twilight
Wondering if we could walk together again.

It was then that you turned back
To face the old road where I stood still,
Waiting and watching……

And when our eyes met,
Isolation vanished...tracing her path back to her abode,
Then we walked again…

But this time though we both walked alone,
It was a better walk than the one before...
For neither of us had Isolation for company
But shared a new companion – Hope,
Who sat at the point where we would meet again,
As we walked towards each other.

Written with Pushkala Menon

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